Not sure it's a bug or I messed up.
Haha strange, not sure what has happened here then XD.- Chupsta
- Post #3
- Forum: Technical Support
hello there!
I hope so too. Runescape does not feel the same now and I know people would put that down to being older but both versions of the actual game just aren't what they were, hopefully something can be built here with enough passion and dedication as you said, maybe it can become what it should have...- Chupsta
- Post #3
- Forum: Introductions
hello there!
Hello there staff and 2011scape players! I'm Chupsta nice to meet you guys, I guess a little backstory of myself. I started Runescape in mid 2006 whilst in my early years of high school and a friend randomly telling me about the game one day, I of course out of curiosity registered an account...- Chupsta
- Thread
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Introductions
Not sure it's a bug or I messed up.
Good afternoon :). I'm still pretty new to 2011scape but I have been playing on and off roughly for maybe a month or so. I'm not sure if this is a bug or not implemented yet or if it is a mistake I made when I first created my character but, I am right now, just the default Tehnoobshow bot...- Chupsta
- Thread
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Technical Support